The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
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- Publication date
- 2014-06-27
- Topics
- Aaron Swartz, documentary, hacktivism, suicide, jstor, MIT, CFAA, Cory Doctorow, Tim Berners-Lee, Larry Lessig, internet, activism
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 5.4G
The Internet's Own Boy depicts the life of American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him. The film tells his story up to his eventual suicide after a legal battle, and explores the questions of access to information and civil liberties that drove his work.
- Contact Information
- Addeddate
- 2014-06-28 18:38:26
- Closed captioning
- no
- Color
- color
- Director
- Brian Knappenberger
- Ia_orig__runtime
- 120 minutes
- Identifier
- TheInternetsOwnBoyTheStoryOfAaronSwartz
- Run time
- 2:00:00
- Sound
- sound
- Year
- 2014
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
February 10, 2022
Subject: I'm sad and angry.
Subject: I'm sad and angry.
I'm watching this again today. And I'm at the same time completely numbed by Aaron's story and riled up. I hope Ortiz has a miserable life these days.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 1, 2020
Subject: Time heals...
Subject: Time heals...
It is said that time heals but the loss of Aaron seems even greater today.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 31, 2020
Subject: Important
Subject: Important
An important and timely examination of the relationship between information and democracy,
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 31, 2020
Subject: Wish we had Aaron's help today
Subject: Wish we had Aaron's help today
Today we have never been so censored in what we say or sites we try and go to on the internet. Aaron would stand up for what is right. Watching this makes me want to stand up for what is right not matter what the cost.
July 31, 2020
Subject: Shame on U MIT!
Subject: Shame on U MIT!
How could this really happen! What a cruel #obamacre crime. US govt & MIT "neutrality" (indifference) actually murdered brilliant mind.
RIP Aaron
RIP Aaron
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May 4, 2020 (edited)
Subject: Ashamed America Ashamed World
Subject: Ashamed America Ashamed World
First off I'd like to apologize for the drunken rant we created after a lot of partying. Im sorry for the people I pissed off or offended, and my family as well... I truly am.
But you gotta be ASHAMED of yourselves, every last one of you
Ashamed America, Ashamed World, you should all be ASHAMED of yourselves for following this TRENDY internet, LEECH bullshit and riding my coattails all the way to the bank for $$$!!!!!!! I'm fucking miserable 24 hours a day,.mind racing with headaches and drifting. I dont even dream anymore, I have multiple real VIVID ass nightmares every hour or so I wake up, fucking retarded shit I dont even think about, forced thoughts jammed into my brain unwillingly like terrets syndrome.
NIGHTMARES and you just sit there like nothings going on!!!! They control your breathing your thoughts, your body, everything you value sacred, peace of mind is priceless. Laugh at yourself and your inhability to stand up for yourselves or to me. You are the reason this continues to go on, you know who you are. Desperate needy individuals willing to sell themselves for a buck. As you all know ive been the victim of this bullshit for the last 6 years because of that antichrist bullshit!! Everyone knows, everyone acknowledges it, to my face even!!! And still NO ONE will stand up to these fucking people. I'm fucking famous and could give 2 shits less about this pathetic shit..and still I'm stalked and tortured as we speak...... im all over the tv and the internet, theres songs, n movies about my ass.... its fucking childish leech shit And everyone acknowledges it.. The media, celebrities, Mr. Clooney ;).... Even The random mexican lady in line at the supermarket smiling n laughing, calling me the Devil in Spanish for no reason., My own fucking mom acknowledges it. Everyone, Even COPS say shit to me. You all know my situation its broadcasted all over the internet and media, vague nation trendy lil girl shit. Stand up and say something, to me, to the fucking world, anyone!!! They get $$$, help in life, get outta jail free cards, n these lowlifes get new friends, the true enjoyment of feeling like they are "cool" and that they are a part of something thats bigger than them,... Something that they couldn't even dream existed if it wasnt for me. They are just as pathetic as the people doing it to them. The FBI and CIA doesnt respond, Everyone loves talking online behind my back but they play stupid in person, and then HELP the attackers fuck with me even more by following there verbal commands and saying stupid pointless shit the teacher has told them to say. im sicka fake ass people and fake ass America!!! IM THE POSTER BOY FOR MIND CONTROL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT..THE ONE AND ONLY NEVER LONELY Michael Correia, the Punisher, YOUR fucking Maharishi!! Look it up, do your homework. IM SICK of having my thoughts and feelings controlled every single second of every minute of every hour by a group of insecure nobodys spinning in there office chairs that are too scared to even claim responsibility and show themselves. Cowards using people beneath them to do there dirty work. What they are the "best" at haha. Insecure people screaming in my ear 24 hours a day, about how they own me and how much money they make, but wont tell me there name or what's going on. Its Childish, PETTY , little high school girl shit. Trendy as fuck and not even cool!!!. That's why I'm writing this fucking letter, do something!!!! I've bit my tongue for 6 years trying to stop this shit and I have 0 answers or resources. If anyone wants to grow a pair and help me, I'd love it. I dont expect anything from any of one of you...just like the last 6 miserable years I've fought, conquered Through and KILLED for you guys, all the while being tortured physically from head to toe and MENTALLY to a degree youd never imagine was humanly possible. Your dog gets treated better than these girl scouts treat me, and I'm still talking shit to them!!!!! Every second of the day!!!! Stand up for your families, your children, your country, for your fucking selves,...for the fucking right to be able to think and breathe for yourself, for the right to drink a fucking beer and smoke a joint in peace, without crybabies whining in your ear making you miserable because they can!!!!!!!
I love you all! Smoke one and drink two for me!!!
But you gotta be ASHAMED of yourselves, every last one of you
Ashamed America, Ashamed World, you should all be ASHAMED of yourselves for following this TRENDY internet, LEECH bullshit and riding my coattails all the way to the bank for $$$!!!!!!! I'm fucking miserable 24 hours a day,.mind racing with headaches and drifting. I dont even dream anymore, I have multiple real VIVID ass nightmares every hour or so I wake up, fucking retarded shit I dont even think about, forced thoughts jammed into my brain unwillingly like terrets syndrome.
NIGHTMARES and you just sit there like nothings going on!!!! They control your breathing your thoughts, your body, everything you value sacred, peace of mind is priceless. Laugh at yourself and your inhability to stand up for yourselves or to me. You are the reason this continues to go on, you know who you are. Desperate needy individuals willing to sell themselves for a buck. As you all know ive been the victim of this bullshit for the last 6 years because of that antichrist bullshit!! Everyone knows, everyone acknowledges it, to my face even!!! And still NO ONE will stand up to these fucking people. I'm fucking famous and could give 2 shits less about this pathetic shit..and still I'm stalked and tortured as we speak...... im all over the tv and the internet, theres songs, n movies about my ass.... its fucking childish leech shit And everyone acknowledges it.. The media, celebrities, Mr. Clooney ;).... Even The random mexican lady in line at the supermarket smiling n laughing, calling me the Devil in Spanish for no reason., My own fucking mom acknowledges it. Everyone, Even COPS say shit to me. You all know my situation its broadcasted all over the internet and media, vague nation trendy lil girl shit. Stand up and say something, to me, to the fucking world, anyone!!! They get $$$, help in life, get outta jail free cards, n these lowlifes get new friends, the true enjoyment of feeling like they are "cool" and that they are a part of something thats bigger than them,... Something that they couldn't even dream existed if it wasnt for me. They are just as pathetic as the people doing it to them. The FBI and CIA doesnt respond, Everyone loves talking online behind my back but they play stupid in person, and then HELP the attackers fuck with me even more by following there verbal commands and saying stupid pointless shit the teacher has told them to say. im sicka fake ass people and fake ass America!!! IM THE POSTER BOY FOR MIND CONTROL DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT..THE ONE AND ONLY NEVER LONELY Michael Correia, the Punisher, YOUR fucking Maharishi!! Look it up, do your homework. IM SICK of having my thoughts and feelings controlled every single second of every minute of every hour by a group of insecure nobodys spinning in there office chairs that are too scared to even claim responsibility and show themselves. Cowards using people beneath them to do there dirty work. What they are the "best" at haha. Insecure people screaming in my ear 24 hours a day, about how they own me and how much money they make, but wont tell me there name or what's going on. Its Childish, PETTY , little high school girl shit. Trendy as fuck and not even cool!!!. That's why I'm writing this fucking letter, do something!!!! I've bit my tongue for 6 years trying to stop this shit and I have 0 answers or resources. If anyone wants to grow a pair and help me, I'd love it. I dont expect anything from any of one of you...just like the last 6 miserable years I've fought, conquered Through and KILLED for you guys, all the while being tortured physically from head to toe and MENTALLY to a degree youd never imagine was humanly possible. Your dog gets treated better than these girl scouts treat me, and I'm still talking shit to them!!!!! Every second of the day!!!! Stand up for your families, your children, your country, for your fucking selves,...for the fucking right to be able to think and breathe for yourself, for the right to drink a fucking beer and smoke a joint in peace, without crybabies whining in your ear making you miserable because they can!!!!!!!
I love you all! Smoke one and drink two for me!!!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 24, 2019
Subject: perfect film
Subject: perfect film
A perfect biographical documentary film about a unique boy, prodigy, who actually was fighting for the informational freedom. It's an astonishing power to transform the thoughts into actions and try to change the world.
Aaron Swartz stood up for freedom and fairness – and was hounded to his death: opinion by essay writer
Aaron Swartz stood up for freedom and fairness – and was hounded to his death: opinion by essay writer
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
October 9, 2015
Subject: Master and Servant
Subject: Master and Servant
Aaron's story validates our Slave Society.
Cindy Barg
Cindy Barg
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 29, 2015
Subject: Our GEM ignitION
Subject: Our GEM ignitION
He was no doubt about:it ; A1 fascinatinG unit of MeasurE! Indeed
Ahmad Gharbeia
November 12, 2014
Subject: Arabic subtitles
Subject: Arabic subtitles
أنجزتها مؤسسة التعبير الرقمي العربي و حبر، و هي ملك عام.
كما تمكن مشاهدةالفلم بهذه الترجمة في يوتيوب في:
أنجزتها مؤسسة التعبير الرقمي العربي و حبر، و هي ملك عام.
كما تمكن مشاهدةالفلم بهذه الترجمة في يوتيوب في:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 12, 2014
Subject: nowisthetime[a.t]'s Review, Subtitles ++
Subject: nowisthetime[a.t]'s Review, Subtitles ++
Great reality, movie and intention. Continue the intentions if you believe in the future.... see below for optional ways... nowisthetime [/a/t/]
-> Subtitles at link below
[without unknown words/? marks/misspellings]:
-> ulcerative colitis is the medical condition mentioned in the movie. Partial discussion and natural health for it is mentioned here:
-> A possible forum for people like Aaron. Empty, but 100% the right way forward...
-> Subtitles at link below
[without unknown words/? marks/misspellings]:
-> ulcerative colitis is the medical condition mentioned in the movie. Partial discussion and natural health for it is mentioned here:
-> A possible forum for people like Aaron. Empty, but 100% the right way forward...
July 10, 2014
Subject: subtitles : we're working on it
Subject: subtitles : we're working on it
Please help to create some subtitles (english first) to that documentary there :
When the english subtitles will be complete (we're at 30 % of totally completing them) there'll be possible to translate them much more easily (for the French translation, we're at 30% too — yes, I'm french ;) )
When the english subtitles will be complete (we're at 30 % of totally completing them) there'll be possible to translate them much more easily (for the French translation, we're at 30% too — yes, I'm french ;) )
Robert B. Livingston
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 9, 2014 (edited)
Subject: An interesting, but troubling film
Subject: An interesting, but troubling film
Even beyond the troubling aspects of a national culture in which a government and its functionaries could target a talented and altruistic young man with such extreme malice and vengeance, it seems we need to ask how Swartz, with so many intelligent and sensitive friends and colleagues, could still become so isolated and despondent as to take his own life.
I am not as convinced that Swartz was "fragile" or utterly despondent. Look how he plunged into internet reform activities almost up to the last. I wonder deeply about what this film or Swartz's acquaintances, friends and family may be ignoring or not saying.
In many ways, I find that Swartz's demise was as senseless and inexplicable as that of Iris Chang's. Chang was another extremely gifted and courageous young person who gave so much to the world in such a short span of time.
This film is a hugely interesting and informative one, but I believe it still falls far short of telling us everything we may want to know about Aaron Swartz, who I can't help but think was a young David who was, in effect, slain by a Goliath.
I hope this film will spur more conversation and interest into Aaron Swartz's life and contributions, and the purpose of life itself.
Is it for profit? Or is it to be lived to improve the lives of us all?
Further, are we to trust and believe everything we see-- or should we do as Swartz suggested-- and question everything?
I am glad to see that this film has been made broadly available here at the Internet Archive.
I am not as convinced that Swartz was "fragile" or utterly despondent. Look how he plunged into internet reform activities almost up to the last. I wonder deeply about what this film or Swartz's acquaintances, friends and family may be ignoring or not saying.
In many ways, I find that Swartz's demise was as senseless and inexplicable as that of Iris Chang's. Chang was another extremely gifted and courageous young person who gave so much to the world in such a short span of time.
This film is a hugely interesting and informative one, but I believe it still falls far short of telling us everything we may want to know about Aaron Swartz, who I can't help but think was a young David who was, in effect, slain by a Goliath.
I hope this film will spur more conversation and interest into Aaron Swartz's life and contributions, and the purpose of life itself.
Is it for profit? Or is it to be lived to improve the lives of us all?
Further, are we to trust and believe everything we see-- or should we do as Swartz suggested-- and question everything?
I am glad to see that this film has been made broadly available here at the Internet Archive.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 7, 2014 (edited)
Subject: Like Assange, Swartz respected non computer savvy people too
Subject: Like Assange, Swartz respected non computer savvy people too
It's very simple: The corporations and banksters run our government and the government works for them, not we the common people. Thus our government oppresses us. And the privitization of traditional public services leads to more unjust laws, lack of services, and more unjust laws and lonter sentencing for the sake of the prison industry. The most important quality in Aaron Swartz more than his technical ability was that he cared about people here and across the world who are living in misery under totalitarian capitalism. There are many who are tech wiz kids. But Aaron Swartz was the socially conscious IT wizard. We need to support these people because they are a growing number of Swatzes, Snowdens, Mannings and Assanges. I think I would have done the same thing than have to live in a locked box(prison cell)for even just a couple years. The US post world war two has become increasingly fascist and totalitarian. The police state is so brutal i don't think we have much of chance protesting on the streets anymore(i hope i am wrong). What we need is more people inside the centers of power to change things from within. And for those today where not enough change for dissent inside, we need to get them to safety to tell the world what our Orwellian empire is perpetrating on people here and to our brothers and sisters from foreign countries too. god bless you aaron, i know you are in a better place. your spirit lives on
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 7, 2014
Subject: Lovely (help translate)
Subject: Lovely (help translate)
I knew the story but this documentary is very sweet.
I think it has a huge potential, please help translate subtitles. I'm told "the place" is (linked by The Documentary Network on YouTube).
Also, download from the torrent here is super fast thanks to the hundreds seeders. ;-)
I think it has a huge potential, please help translate subtitles. I'm told "the place" is (linked by The Documentary Network on YouTube).
Also, download from the torrent here is super fast thanks to the hundreds seeders. ;-)
Vojtěch Vojtíšek
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 4, 2014
Subject: Thank you for sharing
Subject: Thank you for sharing
A must-see, mind opener. It would make a great story, if it wasn't a real world tragedy.
I'd like to especially thank IA for making this documentary accessible for those of us, who couldn't watch through google play.
I'd like to especially thank IA for making this documentary accessible for those of us, who couldn't watch through google play.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 4, 2014
Subject: Must watch for anyone with respect for the internet!
Subject: Must watch for anyone with respect for the internet!
The world truly did loose one of the most amazing and creative minds of our generation. His legacy will surely not die with him. Aaron has shaped so many minds directly and indirectly and Aaron s Law id only the start.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 3, 2014
Subject: An American Hero; will never forget
Subject: An American Hero; will never forget
Great film on what Aaron Swartz was about. On July 4th, I will take my hat off to Aaron Swartz, who was a remarkable young man and true American hero for liberty.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 3, 2014
Subject: Thank you for this
Subject: Thank you for this
Its a story that needs to be told, and a job well done. Such a tragic end to a brilliant, passionate child of the future.. his legacy will continue to live on
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 2, 2014
Subject: Well done!
Subject: Well done!
Aaron's prosecution and death is sad.
It is also sad that nothing changed with respect to open access to science.
In memory of Aaron, let's strive for change.
Let his death not be in vain:
(epistimi means science in greek)
It is also sad that nothing changed with respect to open access to science.
In memory of Aaron, let's strive for change.
Let his death not be in vain:
(epistimi means science in greek)
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